Water Garden Mosquito Control

Whether you have a water garden or thinking of building a water garden, the question is always, what about mosquitoes. How do I control mosquitoes? Will having a water garden become a magnet for mosquitoes? Doesn't a water garden become a breeding sanctuary for mosquitoes? Mosquitoes carry diseases like the West Nile virus, heart worm, malaria, encephalitis, and many others. The females, who drink blood, can carry disease from one animal to another as they feed. The female will lay from 40 to 400 eggs that can become adults in 5 - 14 days and it does not take long to have a serious problem. Construction Constructing a water garden does not have to be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The first thing to consider when constructing a water garden is water movement. Mosquitoes only lay eggs in stagnate shallow water. Having good surface water flow is the most important thing to consider. When designing your water garden or koi pond think in terms of a beginning and end of the s...